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When the changes took place and what we did to modify this website

3/23/18 - Added slideshow, Awards, Sponsors & Advisors, Competition History, & Gallery.

4/1/18 - Added more slideshows

6/5/18 - Added Toppenish VEX Tournament photos in Gallery 

6/13/18 - Added detail to website background, updated 'Documents' page, finished 'Contact Us!' page, added location maps to 'Home' and 'Contact us!', added 'In The Zone' in 'Competition History', Header & Footer were colored just like our school (Gold and Purple), finished 'About Vex' page. 

7/3/18 - Changed 'Gallery' Layout 

8/26/18 - Added helpful tips and fundraising ideas in 'Helpful Tips' 

9/23/18 - Modified Events for this season 'Turning Point' 

12/27/18 - Added "Turning Point" to awards tab, modified & added events in home page, removed teams dropdown & tabs for this year's competition, changed admin "Contact Us" chat to Purple, modified offline support message (Is seen to your bottom right of your screen) to better reply for support. 

12/30/18 - Updated copyright info; We will be giving credit to all respected owners! 

Colored some texts, added more pictures in 'Gallery', & added a slide on the Homepage.  

2/28/19 - Added sponsors logos, capitalized all tab names. 

4/1/19 - Modifying the designs and colors on the entire website. 

4/21/19 - Website redesign launched! 

4/28/19 - Modified 'Competition Overview' for game season 'Tower Takeover', Added events on Homepage. 

6/10/19 - Changed background design, changed "Competition History" design, modified Events in "Homepage." 

7/2/19 - Changed & renovated the 'Awards' layout. 

7/3/19 - Added "Publicity & Outreach" blog tab. 

8/13/19 - Added 'History' Tab 

9/27/19 - Recolored some text, added events 

10/08/19 - Added Turning Point in Competition History 

11/02/19 - Added an article, colored text in Awards Tab, Added events in Home

11/09/19 - Renovated our Sponsors page! 

12/21/19 - Added data for the "History" tab, added more recognition for our Sponsors! 

12/24/19 - Added social links in 'Our Club' tab, colored the introduction, added cabinet profiles with new & exciting 'Hover over' facts! 

1/04/20 - Fixed bugs on the Sponsors tab over the color of buttons, added "see Updates" link at the footer. 

3/22/2020 - Added pictures on 'Awards' tab, finalized information for 'History' tab. 

9/1/22 - Removed Back to Top app prior to app removal. 


ANNOUNCEMENT: We are working on our website redesign for the 2020 - 2021 WHS Robotics season! 




© 2018-20 by Wenatchee, WA Vex Robotics Club* 
This website is not officially copyrighted but does own all pictures taken by our own students 
Materials (Pictures, music, quotes etc) that are not are not owned or made by VRC Wenatchee Club and will cite all sources/material and give credit to their respectful owners. 
Pictures taken by our own students will be credited! 
UPDATED: 9/01/2022
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